World Education (WE)

World-education2-296x300World Education (WE) is an education platform in which classes from Indonesia and Netherlands – and potentially other countries as well – share courses.

The idea benefits Indonesia and Netherlands equally. The current situation is that childeren follow courses in there own ‘closed classroom’. This leads to the absense of global awareness and the lacking opportunity of learning together. The solution is a global classroom where cultural interaction and learning together is central. A place where students get inspired.

The aim is to stimulate cultural understanding amongst the young generation of Indonesia and the Netherlands. And by creating awareness by building on similarities instead of differences. The course will be part of ‘people and society classes’, in which WE will enable students to develop and simultaneously learn more about different societies. The ambition is to create global citizens. The target group: Brugklas and class 7 at SMP. The key of the value proposition is to inspire, learn, connect, and communicate. All with a positive attitude towards each other, the topics and the world.

The World Education initiative was created at the 2015 Frans Seda Seminar in Bogor.